God has not and will not abandon
You! He
will take care of You!
This morning’s
reading from daily bread shares great points for holding on in tough times.
In the
account from Genesis 37, Joseph had no idea what would happen to him after he
was mercilessly sold by his angry brothers to merchants who took him to Egypt
and sold him to Potiphar, an Egyptian official. He found himself in a culture
surrounded by people who believed in thousands of gods. To make things worse,
Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. When Joseph refused repeatedly, she
falsely accused him, leading to his being sent to prison (39:16-20). Yet God
didn’t abandon him. Not only was He with Joseph, but He also “gave him success
in everything he did” and even “showed him kindness and granted him favor” with
those in authority (39:3, 21).